Barbara's Story

Barbara's Story



Barbara's Story
Barbara was attacked and seriously injured by an animal unknown to us. Her left side was seriously wounded with punctures wounds to front and rear left legs and face. The veterinarian kept her for a few days before I brought her home. Her rear left leg was injured, but she had begun to use it some when I picked her up. However, she had no use of her front left leg, and it was uncertain if she would ever regain use of it.
After one week of having her home, she still showed no use or any attempt to use her front left leg. It was dead weight she was carrying around. Every day I would tug at it, and prod my finger in her paw as to elicit a response as it did in her good front leg, but to no avail.
That's when I called you and ordered a light pad. After getting the LED light pad in the mail, I began administering it to Barbara twice daily. After two days of the therapy, my prodding of her left front paw elicited her pushing back on my finger and extracting her claws as to grab hold of my finger. The fourth day of therapy, I found her pawing at an insect on the floor with the injured leg. And after a week of therapy, she began to exert weight on the foot while walking, doing so with a limp. I continued the therapy for another four weeks.
Fast forward to today…Barbara has full use of her rear and front left legs, walking, running, and jumping freely. Her front left leg seems to have somewhat of slight hitch in it, pushing outward a little more than her right knee when she walks, somewhat like a John Wayne swagger. But she has full use of it and seems just fine. I’m convinced the light therapy healed her leg, or at least accelerated the healing process.
Devin D.

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